THE LAZAR FLAWS - Odds and Ends
In assembling the data for this series, there were some areas
that generated some nagging questions. While the available information
didn't suggest these areas were full fledged flaws in Lazar's
story, they are curious. Some may be easily explained, some maybe
not. In any case, the following are presented for the readers
to consider:
- Both "Omni" Magazine and Timothy Good's "Alien
Contact" reported that Lazar bought at least partial ownership
in a legal brothel near Reno in the early 1980s. Good said it
was called "The Honeysuckle Ranch". "Omni"
reported the investment was so profitable Lazar didn't have to
return to full-time employment for several years. However such
an ownership was not mentioned in Lazar's bankruptcy papers in
1986. A search of Nevada telephone directories failed to turn
up a listing for a "Honeysuckle Ranch", nor was it listed
in the book "The Best Cat Houses in Nevada" by J.R.
Schwartz (Obviously an impeccable reference!)
- Lazar has stated he was driven to S-4 from Groom in a bus
over dirt roads. The fact that it was in a bus implies that the
road would have to be in fairly decent condition, and certainly
not a jeep trail. However, a review of the satellite photo of
Papoose Lake, on Lazar's very own poster, shows no evidence of
such a road. Roads of varying quality do clearly show up on the
east side of the Papoose Range, so the photo obviously should
be able to resolve them were they there.
- Lazar said at Rachel in 1993, that when he got on the bus
at Groom to go to S-4, usually only Dennis Mariani was on the
bus with him. Only occasionally was there one other person. Yet
there were a number of others at S-4, technicians, scientists
and security. How did they come and go? Why was Lazar brought
in at such unusual times that everyone else was already at work?
Perhaps they used a different method they did not want to reveal
to Lazar?
- Lazar has said on several occasions that, aside from the security,
working at S-4 was a "dream job". He also claims to
have had a Q clearance so should be quite familiar with the requirements
of working in a highly secret compartmentalized environment. Yet
he easily violated all his signed agreements and oaths by freely
disclosing information to his friends. He even set up three "group
outings" for he and his friends to witness flight operations
of what I'm sure Lazar would agree is the most secret program
the US has. Why would someone familiar with government security
requirements not only jeopardize his job, but also his very freedom,
to do such a thing?
- Another part of the tail Lazar relates is that he had in his
possession, apparently after he had been dropped from the program,
a small quantity of element 115. He says he acquired this from
contacts at Los Alamos, where Lazar says the material was machined.
Lazar said his house was broken into and the 115 taken. At Rachel
in 1993, Lazar added that the 115 was in PRIVATE hands. What is
meant by "private hands", and why would the government
allow a material capable of a devastating antimatter reaction
rest in private hands?
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